Posts Introduction to Parallel Computing-From Algorithms to Programming on State-of-the-Art

Introduction to Parallel Computing-From Algorithms to Programming on State-of-the-Art

1. Why Do We Need Parallel Programming

1.1 Why-Every Computer Is a Parallel Computer

Nowadays, all computers are essentially parallel. The parallelism is found on all levels of a modern computer’s architecture:

  • 处理器架构层级。 比如SIMD.
  • 多核处理器层级。
  • many servers contain several multi-core processors.
  • even consumer-level computers contain graphic processors capable of running hundreds or even thousands of threads in parallel.

Four levels of parallelism:

  • cluster of PCs → MPI
  • multi/many-cores → OpenMP
  • SIMD → intrinsics for vector instructions (SSE, AVX, …)
  • pipelining → needs non dependent instructions

There are many reasons for making modern computers parallel

  • 处理器和内存的频率不可能无限增长,至少以现在的工艺做不到。
  • 随着频率增加,功耗也随之增加,能量效率随之下降。但是如果以较低的处理器速度来并行处理计算,对频率提升的需求就可以避免。

1.2 How—There Are Three Prevailing Types of Parallelism

shared memory systems, i.e., systems with multiple processing units attached to a single memory. 基于Thread model.

distributed systems, i.e., systems consisting of many computer units, each with its own processing unit and its physical memory, that are connected with fast interconnection networks. 基于message passing model

graphic processor units used as co-processors for solving general-purpose numerically intensive problems. 基于stream-based model.

1.3 What—Time-Consuming Computations Can Be Sped up

  • The classical n-body problem
      Given the position and momentum of each member of a group of bodies at an
      initial instant, compute their positions and velocities for all future instances.

举了The classical n-body problem的例子,当n=2的时候,可以求出解析解,当n>2的时候,只能求出数值解。


这种情况下该怎么办?并行计算(paralell computing)就应运而生。


  • 如何将一个数值求解方法切分成子任务?
  • 每个处理器应该处理哪个子任务?
  • 每个处理器该如何与其他处理器协作?
  • How will we code all of these answers in the form of a parallel program, a program capable of running on the parallel computer and exploiting its resources.

2. Overview of Parallel Systems


  • Tpar: 并行执行时间
  • Tseq: 串行执行时间

满足公式:Tpar ≤ Tseq ≤ p·Tpar

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